How does cryolipolysis work?
Cryolipolysis works by freezing the fat cells in whatever areas you find them bothersome. We place an applicator onto the area and use suction pressure to draw skin and fatty tissue in between two cooling plates. The treatment chills the fat cells until they crystallize, after which your body’s lymphatic system will naturally flush them out over the following few weeks. Fat cells do not regenerate, so cryolipolysis reduces fat in those areas permanently.
Does it damage the skin?
Although your skin is in between two cooling plates, the cold temperatures do not damage it at all. When it comes to cold, fat cells are much more sensitive than skin cells, which is why the cryolipolysis destroys fat while leaving skin untouched. Of course, the procedure involves applying vacuum pressure to skin, so patients should expect some discoloration immediately after treatment, and perhaps a feeling of numbness. Massaging the treatment area loosens the tissue and helps these side effects go away quickly.
Who is cryolipolysis right for?
Cryolipolysis is not a weight loss method, so it is not recommended for obese patients. It is best for patients who want to get rid of visible extra subcutaneous fat in certain areas of their body. Formerly overweight patients who have achieved their ideal weights through diet and exercise will find that cryolipolysis is perfect for targeted contouring.
What areas of the body can it be used on?
This non-invasive fat reduction procedure can be used to treat many different areas. Some of the most popular treatment areas are the stomach, the flanks (“love handles”), the hips, the bottom, and the thighs. CoolSculpting™ is also great on upper arms, backs, underarms, or even double chins.
How does it work?
Before performing cryolipolysis, we schedule a consultation between the patient and the specialist in plastic and cosmetic surgery. The experienced specialist assesses whether this non-invasive therapy in Baden-Baden will provide optimum results for the individual patient in question, and determines how many treatments on which areas will help the patient get the figure he or she wants.
If the patient decides to go ahead with the treatment, he or she checks into the clinic on an outpatient basis, since each session only takes 30-60 minutes per treatment area. We apply a protective ultrasound gel to the patient’s skin before placing the applicator, which suctions the skin in between the two cooling plates. Patients may feel somewhat cold for the first few minutes, but then the discomfort generally subsides, and they can spend the rest of the treatment time reading or surfing the Internet.
After removing the applicator, we massage the treatment area to loosen it. Patients may feel tingling for a few minutes, but it will dissipate once the skin has returned to normal temperature. After that, patients are free to leave the clinic and go about their days as usual, even exercising if they choose.
What kind of results can I expect?
Cryolipolysis can get rid of stubborn fat and contour your figure, but it is not a weight loss method. The frozen fat cells are flushed out of your body over the next few weeks after treatment, so it takes a little time for the results to become visible. Once the fat cells have died, they do not regenerate. By maintaining a healthy diet and getting plenty of exercise in order to maintain your weight, you can make sure that the results last a very long time.
How much does it cost?
There is no one-size-fits-all price for cryolipolysis—the price depends on the number of sessions and the size of the treatment area(s). We invite you to schedule a non-binding consultation at KASG Ästhetik to discuss a price for your individual treatment plan.
What should I be aware of after treatment?
After treatment, patients should focus on maintaining their weight. A healthy diet and regular exercise will help you achieve and maintain the results.
What risks are involved in treatment?
This non-surgical procedure entails practically no risk. Very mild side effects like numbness, swelling, bruising, or mild pain may occur in the treatment area, but they should go away on their own within a few days.
Do you offer any other non-surgical cosmetic treatments in Baden-Baden?
Yes! We have several other minimally invasive procedures to give you firm skin and a rejuvenated appearance:
Your cryolipolysis treatment in Baden-Baden
To schedule a non-binding consultation, call us at 07221 9 73 57 99, email us at, or use our online contact form. The KASG Ästhetik team would be happy to help you with any other questions you have regarding cryolipolysis.