Standort Baden-Baden

Falkenstraße 4
76530 Baden-Baden
Tel: +49 72219735799

Standort Karlsruhe

Beiertheimer Allee 18 B
76137 Karlsruhe
Tel: +49 721375656


Mo bis Fr: 9 – 18 Uhr
Termine nach Vereinbarung

Slider der KASG Ästhetik Baden-Baden
KASG Ästehtik Slider Mann und Frau

KASG Ästhetik in Baden-Baden

Your experts for Beauty and Well-being

All medical treatments are undertaken by Dr. med. Bernd Loos, aesthetic plastic surgeon

Faltenbehandlung in Baden-Baden

Wrinkle treatment

Over time, the skin’s natural ageing process can have unwelcome “side effects”. Modern, minimally invasive methods like Botox® or fillers can help.

Schweissdrüsenentfernung in Baden-Baden

Sweat gland removal

Excess sweating is a major impediment to everyday life. The innovative miraDry® procedure is an ideal non-surgical solution.

Lippenvergrößerung in Baden-Baden

Lip enhancement

Full, sensuous lips are associated with youth and vitality. We use hyaluronic acid to plump up thin lips and contour them perfectly.

Kryolipolyse in Baden-Baden


Cryolipolysis with CoolSculpting® eliminates stubborn subcutaneous fat that even dieting and exercise can’t get rid of—giving you a slim, beautiful figure.

Be as beautiful as you feel

Location Baden-Baden

Falkenstraße 4

76530 Baden-Baden

Location Karlsruhe

Beiertheimer Allee 18 B

76137 Karlsruhe

Call us!


We looking forward to seeing you!

Everythink you need to know about our wrinkle treatments.

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Faltenbehandlung in Baden-Baden


Botulinum toxin treatments can provide very good results on “expression lines”, caused by reoccurring movements of the facial musculature.


Radiesse® is a synthetic dermal filler that is injected directly beneath the skin to treat wrinkles and boost volume.

Hyaluron & Filler

Wrinkle treatments with hyaluronic acid “plump up” wrinkles and effectively correct volume deficits.

Restylane Skinbooster™

Restylane Skinbooster™ are specially developed skin-care products to infusing the skin with valuable moisture, supporting deep-level hydration.

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Faltenunterspritzung Baden-Baden

The ABCs of wrinkle treatment

Both men and women are affected by wrinkles—they are a natural part of the ageing process. Wrinkle treatments in Baden-Baden can help turn back the clock on wrinkles, leaving patients looking as youthful and radiant as they feel inside. We’ve summarized a...
Botox Baden-Baden

Non-surgical wrinkle treatment, part 3: Is Botox® dangerous?

In the next installment of our series on non-surgical wrinkle treatment, we will be taking a closer look at Botox® in Baden-Baden, a very popular treatment option. Botulinum toxin has been well-established in the world of cosmetic medicine for a number of years now,...
Kryolipolyse Baden-Baden

Ten questions on cryolipolysis

A healthy diet and regular exercise are important factors in achieving and maintaining your ideal weight. But many men and women don’t just want to be healthy; they also want slim, toned figures. Sometimes subcutaneous fat can be particularly stubborn, leaving...